Reading is Good for the Soul

Bliatz has tagged me for a small questionnaire on books. Books are a weakness of mine. I’ve been reading since I was 14 – and by reading, I mean 2-3 books a week. Consistently.

Of course, the books I read are…well, I won’t call them crap, because some of them are very very good. But they’re Fantasy/Sci-Fi, which is candy for the mind. Entertainment. They can carry some very intelligent ideas – but as a rule, they’re read for enjoyment. Only recently (last year or so) have I forced myself to read weighter material.

1) Total number of books I’ve owned.
Approximately 4 to 5 thousand books. I currently own maybe four or five hundred. The rest have been lost, boxed and stored in a shed at my parent’s house, or traded in for credit to get more books.

2) The last book I bought.
Dead Beat, by Jim Butcher. Think Anita Blake before the porn over-ran her books.

3) The last book I read.
Lord Foul’s Bane (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Book 1) by Stephen Donaldson. Classic book. Hated it. Forced myself to finish since so many said it was good. Not to my tastes.

4) 5 books that mean something to me.
Let me preface this answer by saying that I have read almost *too* many books. The question asks for those books that mean something to me – and the term ‘mean’ can go in many directions. The books I am listing are there because I am attached to them either for reasons of pure enjoyment or because of the affect they’ve had on my life.

Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey
Assasssin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb
The Elements of Style by Strunk/White
Fight Club by Chuck Palaniuk
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

5) Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals

Five? Hrmm. I’ll go with four:

Raging Heart
Queen of Pink

4 thoughts on “Reading is Good for the Soul”

  1. I’ve more or less stopped reading. Ever since I began working in a library. Hmm… that’s sort of perverse. And, I’m not really posting anymore. Now, I just write for one.

  2. (grins) I remember reading the list. I just forgot while putting up the post. And your choices speak a lot about you; Mockingbird is a book that affected me strongly as well. And I read *all* of Judy Blume’s books when I was younger (granted, Hello God was in a different vein the the rest).

    Superfudge, anyone?

  3. Ive read crap.
    I guess it was 2003 when I thought I was interested in D/s. I bought books on Erotica; The Loving Dominant ; Loving someone who is Kinky; some good, some Ive kept and others I just threw out knowing the Library would not take them.
    I grew up loving mysteries; I have about 25 Nancy Drew books. 3 or 4 Robert Ludlum, etc.
    Romance novels – James Patterson has written 2 good ones.
    Now Im interested in reading books with substance – Anita Schreve’s The Pilot’s wife…interesting and much better than the tv movie.
    I did belong to 3 bookclubs all at the same time…Venus for the smut; Book of the Month Club for Political Novels; Doubleday for the Romance.
    i do alot of research online [amazon] and read the reviews and if the book gets even one rejection I do not purchase.
    Knowledge is power!!

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