acta est fabula plaudite

Looking over the list of blogs I read on a consistent basis, I realized today that too many of them had fallen completely silent in the last year; and those that hadn’t, such as my own, had dropped into a low simmer.

I can remember the first sex blog I read. It was about six years ago and was written by a woman in a small town. It described her casual affairs with several men, including her ex-husband truck driver; it gave sordid details of her liaisons, more then one of which occurred in the local barroom’s bathroom.

It was trashy, badly written, and completely fascinating. I couldn’t stop reading it. I was hooked on sex blogs.

So, in celebrating blogs that have passed into the great ether, and blogs that remain to continue to entertain today, here is a sampling of my favorite blogs, past and present:

81 Vaginas, a Pillow Blog
The last post was from Nov 19th, 2005. But thankfully, his words remain, his blog preserved. It’s one of the only blogs I’ve read from start to finish more then once. He writes about sex and women in a fashion that is a mix of poetry, sterile analysis, and stream of consciousness. It is insightful. It is off-putting. It is weirdly arousing.

Ah, Elise. My favorite masochistic submissive who is neither submissive, nor masochistic. Except when she is. Too intelligent for her own good, she is beautifully adept at using her wit to eviscerate those who don’t meet her fairly high standards. Which is most everyone. On the other hand, she is very polite when doing so.

“Myths and Metawhores”
Here, Magdelana. My dancing muse, the dark silhouette to my own wickedness.

Urban Gypsy
One of two bloggers on this list that I’ve actually met – she’s even more interesting and fun in person then she is on-line (which is saying something). She knows what she wants and has given herself the freedom to enjoy it. Also, she has some damn nice cleavage.

Someday, I still plan to corner her in a dark staircase.

pretty dumb things
Ex-stripper, ex-English teacher, and now ex-blogger – but not, I’m glad to hear, an ex-writer. She still writes, and her blog remains intact. I highly encourage you to start at the beginning and read your way through it. I’m fairly certain she’s added ten to fifteen new words to the English language, and every single one of them should be part of your lexicon.

Closed in January of 2007, Bliatz was one of the first blogs I read about sex that was not only voyeuristic – complete with pictures and audio snippets of her and her husband – it was intelligent. For me, she was the start of smart, cultured, women who wrote about sex.

“If the Collar Fit”
Gone. But not forgotten. Clever girl who had a way with words. You may be noticing a trend here in those I like to read. I tend to enjoy those with a unique perspective on sex and life – and the ability to convey that perspective through words.

“Sadistic Excess”
I don’t read a lot of blogs written by other men. In fact, this is the only one I have in my RSS reader. Read it and you’ll understand why.

6 thoughts on “acta est fabula plaudite”

  1. You made me laugh out loud, with your nail-on-the headedness. “Neither submissive nor masochistic”, indeed.

    Next time we talk … I’ll be less polite. I promise.


  2. Thank you for introducing me to 81 Vaginas. As you say, weirdly arousing. As for all the rest, I’m 100% with you on each one. Definitely. And, Magdelena… sigh… how could anyone with a brain not miss her with a passion?

  3. “81 Vaginas” truly is oddly fascinating. And, because I am me, I like to think he married vagina number 82. (That, you understand, of course, is not what I consider a happy ending.)

    I wonder, sometimes, if I should have kept track of and labeled all the cocks in my life. Some of them were real dicks.


  4. Vice and follies. Does a dancer offer her dancing to God by ceasing to dance? Of course not. Only you D’jaevle, know the intimacies of this.

    El, my beautiful snake-hipped friend, thank you.

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