Someone said something to me today that made me smile.
"you make it ok to be bad"
I've considered why this is.
I am attentive. I listen to what people are actually saying and the way that they say it.
I don't judge a person on creed, appearance, or morality.
I let them be comfortable in their own skin
And then I take indecent advantage of they're trust and vulnerability by encouraging their exploration of their suppressed desires and unspoken needs, always for my own ends.
Intriguing. i suppose we all see things differently.
Very interesting bit of balanced introspection.
You appear to have accepted your own nature, and can be honest about it.
You aren’t hiding behind a mask of morality, at least when the wolf comes out to prowl.
Are those who are drawn to you naive, or are they reaching for the fulfillment of their own needs.
Everyone’s a narcissist, some just convince themselves they’re doing it for others.