Human thinking is overly complicated. Human needs are not.
Understand what these needs are, and you make yourself very dangerous.
Human thinking is overly complicated. Human needs are not.
Understand what these needs are, and you make yourself very dangerous.
So simple. So true.
Unfortunately for me, I’m still trying to figure out just what men actually do need.
Men aren’t that complicated.
Biologically, men want to spread their seed as wide as possible to increase their chance of offspring with a large spectrum of genetic material.
To do so, they need to attract women – so they gather power, money, and security.
Now, applying your knowledge of these needs – that is where skill meets art.
“Understand what these needs are, and you make yourself very dangerous.”
Mm. Or very elusive.
one more thing…more than power, money, and security women need a man who thinks as he acts, rather than reacts. And a man who is has sipped from the dark water’s of the river Styx…and not gone mad is very attractive indeed. A woman who dares to look into the obsidian mirror of her own desires, does not always see Mary swathed in sky blue, gentle and mild.
But, is it dangerous to understand?
More dangerous not to…