good girls go to heaven

I first learned the intricacies of sex through the written word. Voice followed text, and I became a disciple of language.

If I can bring you to your knees with my voice alone, imagine what is possible when I have you in front of me.

I don't need to touch you to make you wet.

I just need your faith.

The last of my three recently recorded audio pieces, this one is best experienced while alone.

D'jaevle, Wicked

6 thoughts on “good girls go to heaven”

  1. Oh my! Wickedly wonderfully hot and yes, please! Thanks for letting your voice work it’s magic once again.
    btw== how could anyone listen to your words with anyone around? I never would dream of doing that. I don’t share well.

  2. (squirming) Something about your spoken word recording this time got beyond, beneath, my barriers. For the first time it felt… as if you were speaking directly to me.

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