Nifty Fishing Hat

What can be said for the path not tread?



You may be following the path behind me, but what follows in your wake?


As much as I generally enjoy my life, and the devilry I engage in, my preference is for the words themselves and the needs and desires that drive them.

Still, how could I refuse? It may not be soul-bearing, but I'll pull back the curtain just a bit.

Melanie and Janie,

My love for the written word is a love for the spoken as well.

Lea, Santina, and Sangre,

I am not leaving; even should I stop writing here, I'll be around.

I continue to write. 


Lovely Magdelena can never truly be caught; only held momentarily, a promise made of shadows, sweet and dark.


Sometimes we are safest when all the lights are out.


Actually, the picture is from a trip six years ago. But I do plan to go back.

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