
Answers, I have them all.

How to land that perfect job? Got that covered.
Troubled love life? Not a problem.
Is there a God? Get comfortable, this one could take a few minutes

Next time you’re at a bookstore, go to the self-help section. Count the number of books they have on making a new and improved self. So many answers, and most of them for 19.99 or less. And there has to be something to them, right?

The difficulty isn’t finding answers. Answers are cheap and plentiful. Truths comes in shades of grey, each nearly as valid as the last.

The tricky part is finding the right answers for you.

Our problem, as a society, is that we settle. We discover an answer on our own, read one in a book, or catch it on Oprah – and then we embrace it. If it’s a close enough fit for your life, it may even stay with you for a while.

Close enough, for me, isn’t good enough.

Because even if I find the right answer today, more likely than not, it won’t be the right answer for me next month or next year.

We evolve. Situations change. Self-discovery opens new possibilities. Answers, like life, must be malleable. Must be adaptable. For me, the only absolute is that there are none.

2 thoughts on “Answers”

  1. When you write something, the message is likely not the same for every reader. What you wrote resonated with me this day. On my mind lately is the urge to give in, to settle, to accept that I can have a mate and a family IF ONLY I will accept that being a wife and a mother means giving up my submissive need to also be a slave. To find a life mate is hard enough. To find a D/s life mate seems, at times, nearly impossible. Thanks for reminding me that I, too, don’t want to settle and am only weary.

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