I Write

I write with purpose.

I write with terror in my veins and hunger in my gut.

I write with desperation. I write with need.

I write with candlelight and razors.

I write with music, but dream of silence.

I write to understand.

I write alone.

I write to not be alone.

I write to make it hurt more, but matter less.

I write for acceptance.

I write to believe. I write to define.

I write best when not thinking.

I write to read my own words.

I write for proof.

I write selfishly. I write to myself (but I write for others).

I write to be immortal.

I write to be sane.

5 thoughts on “I Write”

  1. Is your writting successful in these things? Does it keep you more sane? Does it “make it hurt more, but matter less.” (that one is my favorite). Wonderful post. Your writting thrills me. Thank you.

  2. Sanity is such a tricky thing; my sanity is another’s less than lucid dreams. In my terms, it is enough to keep me coherent and relative to the world around me.

  3. Individual words mean little until they’re given life and strung together to create magic. You are the giver of life. You are the magician.

    My personal opinion… you write because, to survive, you must.

  4. You do know how to write and as Twlya says.. create magic.
    I doubt that all thw writing in the world can really keep the demons whatever they may be, at bay.. but then again , I believe you do enjoy the demons!

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