
She names herself trouble, but she hadn’t begun to comprehend the true meaning of the word. Because she’s known me for so long, she thinks I am safe. Oh, she has her moments of doubt, moments where I make her pause. But she doesn’t truly believe I am a danger.

She thinks I’m safe because I’ve mastered the art of dancing between the lines, playing in that grey area of morality and truth, always close to the edge but never quite crossing it. Never quite putting the delicate balance of day-to-day life in danger. My touch leaves those connections trembling, shivering – yet still intact.

But she hasn’t seen my ruthless side. The part of me that ignores the boundaries. When I unchain my hunger, let it grip me, those boundaries become insubstantial, malleable. I envision them as criss-crossing threads, connecting needs and fears. They form constellations for me, a symbolic map of consciousness that lay my war plans bare.

With intent, I run my fingers across their edges, testing the tension of each thread. Some are sharp, tight. Others are slick and elastic. With the heat of a wolf on a hunt, they bend.

With my hunger, I shift lines. I move stars.

Concrete images are what she needs.

I see her on all fours, laid out on the bed with her arms under her head and her ass raised. Her hips beg to be gripped. Her hair lays scattered across her back, waiting to be gathered into my grip. She speaks of being driven hard, and I think of taking her in such an undeniable way that she is literally pounded into the bed. Hard. Deep. Relentless.

She has her audience, because my eyes never closed while I take her.

She asks me, should I be afraid?

If the image won’t go away because it flickers through your mind whenever you close your eyes. If you find yourself wondering just how it would feel. If your desire to truly experience what it means to be bad in a way that feels so damn good finally outweighs your fear of upsetting the balance.

If you want to be taken like that.

Then yes, you should be afraid.

11 thoughts on “Constellations”

  1. No. Never safe.

    She knows the danger. Tests the boundaries. Dares the ruthless side. Just to see.

    Wants to be taken. Driven hard.

    Is afraid.

    Or, maybe not.

  2. well put.

    if you know what you want and know what to expect…why be afraid? unless it is a moral fear of doing something that is not considered normal to the masses. for some, THAT is normal.

    your second to the last paragraph, delicious.

  3. I admitt I read yer blog and enjoy yer posts, most often when in need of some mental foreplay, but fuck are you sure full of yourself. Damn baby!

  4. Me? Full of myself? I’m actually quite humble.

    …well, perhaps not. In truth, it is all about context, belief, and experience.

    When you believe I can still you with a touch, I can. When you believe I can make you bleed with words, I can. When you believe I can move stars, I can. The promise of my words and the reality of my touch will start you on the path, but you have to want to take that first step.

    I may play the devil, but I was born human. I make mistakes – at periods of my life, I made a lot of them. I just try avoid making the same mistakes twice. You learn a lot about human nature through your own failures.

    And I never take myself very seriously. I know just how imperfect a creature I am, which is why you’ll often see an amused smile on my face while I push you to your knees.

  5. If one wants to be taken like that.. then why be afraid? Or at the very least, enjoy the fear!!
    Funny, I often hear that amused smile on your face as you push one to their knees.. it just .. shows.

  6. The unchained beast in each of us should cause fear. The one thing which separates man from beast is the ability to show restraint. When the animal is free… yes.. .fear becomes a very big part of the equation. But for those of us who seek to explore those boundaries… we want to be afraid, we want the beast, and yes, we want to be pounded into the bed until we’re senseless and feel nothing except your unchained lust.

    Your words have reminded me of why it is that I am a humble female. Because I want to be that animal who is so devoured by another.


  7. i am picky about my bookmark. In all the years i’ve spent wandering about the web, i’ve bookmarked only a handful of sites.

    “Then yes, you should be afraid. ”

    This post made me consider my other hand.

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