The Occasional Gentleman

I am coming to believe I am not a Dominant as others perceive that role to be.

I find myself a different breed of animal.

I dominate, but do not demand.

I require, but do not insist.

I take without fear, but always with thought.

I am polite, but cruel.

I am the occasional gentleman, but always the rake.

I want to possess a person, but I am not possessive.

I am a predator, but I am as addicted to the hunt as I am to the kill.

I am more philosopher magician than warrior king.

I write of sacrifice – yours and mine.

Brute force of will is not my instrument of choice. To demand or insist is to imply a loss of control. My answer to a request unanswered is in the silence of rebuke or in the sharp cry of pain and pleasure born of an ass burnished bright red.

I enjoy overpowering, whether it be the physical act of holding someone down or the agile cleverness necessary to draw someone under. I am unafraid to strip someone bare, but I always do so with purpose. I enjoy the irony when I place you on all fours and whisper to you what a bitch you are for me (because I do it out of respect for the needs we both share).

I get jealous. But more often I just get better at what I do. Jealousy, for me, is born of not knowing. If I know how much of you belongs to me when you are on your knees, what cause is there to fear you with someone else? Better earned trust and ownership than the sickness of envy.

Any relationship is a partnership of needs. How these needs are met defines the relationship. And equality is not found in an equal division of needs, but in how well each meets, enjoys, and accepts the needs of the other.

Some may think this the very definition of domination. But quite a few see domination as a state of being played much closer to the surface than you may see here. The beauty is that there is no one truth, no single path to follow.

4 thoughts on “The Occasional Gentleman”

  1. Not to be pedantic, but “dominate” is a verb, the noun (and adjectival) form of which is “dominant.”

    But a lovely entry, otherwise.

  2. Corrected.

    For your kindness, you are tasked with either delivering to me a shrubbery or submitting yourself to twelve lashes.

  3. Very interesting to see you write of yourself .. i like that.
    I enjoy you .. viewing you … and then telling the reader what you see.
    thanks.. again

  4. I call your type of domination “power from within,” and the other end of the pendulum “power over.” Beautiful post. Thanks.

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