Too Much (What Prowls)

When is it too much? When do you draw the line?

What if you exist between the lines? What if you are defined by that which you are tempted with?

For a long time I have been at least partially defined by my crimson streaks. The swathe of red that carves a path through my nervous system when my interest is piqued. A velvet touch, this bloody desire parts the veil for me. And I see what it is we struggle for so long to bury, the layers we hide under civility and domestic direction – the wolf under the skin.

We all have a creature that prowls here, in the dark. Cats with twitching tails (if you’re quiet enough you can hear its *swishing* as it watches with yellow eyes, waiting); falcons with wings furled and eyes that catch everything; wolves that know when to go for the throat.

It is never *enough* for them. They cannot be satiated with a few choice morsels. It only excites their hunger, gives them strength, until it is with their eyes that you watch, their desire with which you hunt or are hunted, their joy with which you couple and conspire to achieve.



D’jaevle runs his fingers down your side, resting them on your hips as his lips part, tasting the curve of your ear, teeth grazing before tugging lightly.

Wynn takes in a breath… “I really should go… before I’m not able to anymore.” She grins.

D’jaevle lingers for just a moment, his lips warm against your skin, sharing heat, “And that is such a bad thing?”

Wynn bites her lip. “Sometimes…”

D’jaevle presses his palms slowly down the tops of your thighs, his mouth finding the hollow just under your jaw line, “When is temptation so bad?”

Wynn tilts her head back, her breathing ragged. “When it gets in the way of responsibility…”

D’jaevle curls his fingers, moving up slowly, feeling you shiver under his touch. Lips trace your throat, “Even when you can feel it along every inch of skin?”

Wynn nods slowly, her arms sliding around his waist. “When it clouds your mind… making you forget things you should be doing.” She shivers.

D’jaevle draws his hands along your stomach, slipping under fabric to find your skin, “Even when you can feel the heat burning from the inside?”

Wynn nods and groans, attempting to pull back from him…

3 thoughts on “Too Much (What Prowls)”

  1. She definitely has a point.

    …and it is my job to encourage that it be forgotten. Being too responsible in life leads to stagnation. There must be a balance between solidity and recklessness.

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