Spoken Mastery [uneditted]

Everything here, in this place, is filtered, edited.

It is part of the charm of this medium, that perfection may be attempted. Attempted, but never attained. Because it is that drive for perfection, that constant editing, molding, shifting of ideas, that continual desire to see it better, that ensures it never will be.


Here, uneditted. One take, one try.

A taste of imperfect perfection.

9 thoughts on “Spoken Mastery [uneditted]”

  1. I once said I liked your written words better then those you spoke, may I be allowed to change my mind after this incredible audio post?

    Wow. Speechless. Really. That was incredibly powerful. Thank you.

  2. I had closed my eyes to listen.. as I do whenever you speak. It took me a long time to shake those words out of my head long enough to post this..whatever… appreciation>?

    amazing what you can do.. and I like the unedited-ness.. the torrent of words, rushing along..pulling me.

    Welcome back.. and thanks.

  3. I am all for written words, I guess. I could stop in the middle of a paragraph and savor the moment.

  4. I absolutely love the way you say “written” at about 2:20 into the clip. A little fast with the words, I couldn’t quite keep up, but good feeling, good work overall. Glad you are back.

  5. Better. I agree with anonymous though. For me it’s more than savoring…writing takes me to a different place. A place that I can visit over and over.

  6. I understand the allure of the written word; it was my first love, but the spoken word holds a place of its own.

    There is something to the spoken word that gets to me. The right voice, the right words, and I am one of the devoted.

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